General information about computers.
For people who want to learn a bit about computers before buying or getting all up in the computer world, this is the place.
I'm constantly adding new things, so check by everyone month or so.
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---> RAM, "Random Access Memory"
Some insight on the way your computer loads up and runs any and all programs on your HDD.
---> FPS, "Frames Per Second"
A crash-course on FPS, or Frames Per Second, the second most important thing in gaming.
---> OS, "Operating System"
Find out how the entire software side of your computer can function.
---> CPU, "Computer Processing Unit"
Your computer's brain. Learn about it here!
---> Data and Storage
See how your computer stores things and loads them up.
---> Graphics and Video
Learn why your home computer's integrated graphics isn't enough to run Battlefield 3 on Ultra.
---> Screens and Monitors
See why every good GPU needs a good monitor.
---> Cases and Towers
Almost everything you'd want to know about computer cases and towers. (the exterior)
---> Intel vs. AMD, CPUs
The great debate between AMD and Intel CPUs.
---> Laptop Buying Guide
What to look for when buying a laptop.
---> Computer Building Guide
How to build a computer if you don't want to buy from me.
---> Computer Parts Compatibility Guide
The reason why your 400w PSU won't support your GTX TITAN.